Web Developer.
My name is Eugene. I'm from Belarus, I'm 31 years old, married. I have higher technical education (Engeneer). My timezone GMT+3.
My native language it's Russian, also I know English at Intermediate level. This means that I fully understand English
Currently I'm working on Freelance and I'm looking for a work in a company.
I have of more than 2 years experience in the develop websites and the strong skills in each step of creating web-project: creating the html-layout, integration of the html-layout to CMS or framework, deploying the site into production environment and doing support.
I try always investigate new frameworks, libraries and other stuff to keep up with modern technology.
I want to use my knowledge to do the work with maximum quality and quickly.
I do various web-applications: backend applications, frontend applications, API services, integration with different services. Every application usually done such way that it could be easily change and extend. If necessary code is covered by tests.
Detail list of web-technologies which I use placed there.
I do html layouts any level of difficulty of the PSD files and of mockups. If necessary I make the responsive layouts for good work on all screens. For create layouts basically I use various CSS frameworks.
Detail list of CSS libraries which I use placed there.
For every web-application I use git as revision control system and do continuous integration of deployment process. Every release of application will automatically built after some predefined event and passing of all tests. It ensures stability and ease of creating new builds.
Detail list of deployment-services which I use placed there.
As solution for placing of web-applications I often use ready-made solutions: Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services, Digital Ocean and other. It allows in short time do powerful and scalable infrastructure for an any application.
Besides I have an experience in work with virtual hostings
Look the fun facts about me, it is the complete truth.
projects done
hours worked
lines of code
cups of coffee
Which advantages you will have while working with me?
I make a high-quality and stable code due to my experience. Your application just will work. Yet if any problems will are found then I will fix them in priority order.
I have been working more a year and all this time my clients were happy to work with me. You can be sure that in future it will not change because I value my reputation.
I'm online almost everyday more that 8 hours and always solve any issues of my clients as soon as possible. If I will be absent a long time I always report in advance.
I want to use my knowledge to do the work with maximum quality and quickly.
I have more than years of work on real projects of various customers, learn about my experience below.
Web Developer
I started my career as a Freelancer and gained there my first experience in knowledge regarding lifecycle of project development, learned basic workflow when working with real projects of customers, began work in the team and a lot other stuff. Of course I continued to improve my knowledge in web-programming area.
I graduated the "Gomel Engineering Institute" on specialization "Engineer".
While studying there I learned a lot in different areas: probability theory, mathematical analysis, theoretical mechanics and other.
Of course I got also great practice in programming: theory of algorithms, theory of data structures, theory of object-oriented programming, theory of databases, theory of cryptology and other. Besides I learned the following languages: C, C++, C# and Java.
Since then, programming has become my hobby.
Learn my powerful skills and let's begin work together! Below listed all languages, frameworks, libraries and technologies with which I had worked. Of course I worked and with other stuff, but less than with these.
Here you can find me. I'd like to hear from you all. You can ask me about anything.
Belarus, Gomel
Mon - Sat : 9.00 - 18.00
Sun: Weekend